Just a few notes about the Princess Theatre, when I was a young girl
my Mother and Father took me to this Theatre..We didn’t live to far
from the Princess…But better still, I remember in the Summer time
after the first movie, we moved outside to watch another film..
But, the main reason for this comment is that my Dad was a fireman
in The St. Louis Fire Dept, and on his day’s off he would work on
the seats, both inside and outside..I can remember them giving out
dishes and selling war bonds when you attended the movies..So, I
think maybe Dad was given some passes to the movies..so Mom and I
would go quite often to the Princess. Many fond memories of the
Princess Theatre in her hayday…Mrs. Cecelia Borchers (Witt)
He repaired the wooden seats and whatever had to be done on the
seats inside…
Just a few notes about the Princess Theatre, when I was a young girl
my Mother and Father took me to this Theatre..We didn’t live to far
from the Princess…But better still, I remember in the Summer time
after the first movie, we moved outside to watch another film..
But, the main reason for this comment is that my Dad was a fireman
in The St. Louis Fire Dept, and on his day’s off he would work on
the seats, both inside and outside..I can remember them giving out
dishes and selling war bonds when you attended the movies..So, I
think maybe Dad was given some passes to the movies..so Mom and I
would go quite often to the Princess. Many fond memories of the
Princess Theatre in her hayday…Mrs. Cecelia Borchers (Witt)