Comments from MADDRICK

Showing 10 comments

MADDRICK commented about State Theatre on Jun 27, 2005 at 3:38 pm

During Civil War re-enactment. Gone With the Wind was shown.
In July 2005, Casablanca & Wizard of Oz will be shown.

MADDRICK commented about Leal Theatre on May 3, 2005 at 9:50 pm

According to the “Made of Bricks” Web site. The address of the Leal Theatre is: 3911 Washington Blvd. Fremont, CA.

MADDRICK commented about Palace Theatre on Apr 30, 2005 at 1:56 am

The Palace had a Spanish decor inside. The side walkways were under an arches What fascinated me as a kid…was the ceiling..Stars would glow in the darkened auditorium.

MADDRICK commented about Telenews Theatre on Apr 30, 2005 at 1:26 am

Telenews Theatre had a broadcast booth in the lobby where John K. Chappel would do his news radio broadcast.

MADDRICK commented about Stadium Drive-In on Apr 15, 2005 at 9:03 am

At the Drive-in, I remember after the commercial to go to get pop corn and cardboard pizza. The screen would have “Spotty” and sister “Blotty”. They’d move around the screen and you’d hit them with your spotlights.
At the corner of 150 th Ave and E14th, was the Rainbow Drive In Restaurant where we'ds go after the movies…or go to Prings!

MADDRICK commented about New Fruitvale Theatre on Apr 14, 2005 at 10:20 pm

I remember the green tile water fountain with the step for kids to drink. It was on the right wall by the men’s room.
The store outside on the right of the building where you could leave the theatre to buy popcorn and go back in.

On Wednesday nights they’d have “Country Store” Where you could win groceries and clothes from Melnick’s clothing store across the street. When they had pajamas, Jimmy Reed would call them “Pajumpies”.

I sure miss those days.

MADDRICK commented about State Theatre on Apr 14, 2005 at 11:44 am

Currently, The Rocky Horror Picture Show has been showing there recently at midnight…once a month.

MADDRICK commented about Stadium Drive-In on Apr 14, 2005 at 11:39 am

In high school we called this one and the one next door…The Passion Pits!

MADDRICK commented about Foothill Theater on Apr 14, 2005 at 11:35 am

I’d always known it as Dean’s Foothill Theatre
Went there from the mid 30’s to late 40’s.

MADDRICK commented about New Fruitvale Theatre on Apr 14, 2005 at 11:29 am

Wow, in 1948 I helped change marquees at the Fruitvale. Mr. Cooley was assistant manager then and Jimmy Reed was manager. He also managed the drive in in Ashland. I believe it was the Speedway Drive In that is now Bayfair Mall. We’d also run “Tab” between the two theaters. That’s take one movie ,2 cans to one while the other movie is playing and vis-a-versa.