Picture of what is now Galena Avenue in Aurora showing the New Fox on the left and the Paramount in the distance on the right. From the Aurora Historical Society Facebook page.
When I worked there in the late 60’s to mid 70’s, we would fill the place when we played family movies like Disney. The Charuhaus' were talking then about converting to a twin, but the private sewer system in the back made it difficult. Plus the projection building is in located in row 4 of the 12 row theater.
A picture of the New Fox Theatre is on the cover of the 2013 Historical Society calendar. It is obvious that it is the fast print building shown above with the removal of the art deco facade. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/577945_10151125097286046_1243248484_n.jpg
I worked for Basil Charuhas' son, Spiro (Spike), for 8 summers (and a few very cold winters). I even met my wife of 30 years there. She was a cashier and I was a ramp attendant.
I worked for Basil Charuhas' son, Spiro (Spike), for 8 summers (and a few very cold winters). I even met my wife of 30 years there. She was a cashier and I was a ramp attendant.
Picture of what is now Galena Avenue in Aurora showing the New Fox on the left and the Paramount in the distance on the right. From the Aurora Historical Society Facebook page.
When I worked there in the late 60’s to mid 70’s, we would fill the place when we played family movies like Disney. The Charuhaus' were talking then about converting to a twin, but the private sewer system in the back made it difficult. Plus the projection building is in located in row 4 of the 12 row theater.
A picture of the New Fox Theatre is on the cover of the 2013 Historical Society calendar. It is obvious that it is the fast print building shown above with the removal of the art deco facade. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/577945_10151125097286046_1243248484_n.jpg
I worked for Basil Charuhas' son, Spiro (Spike), for 8 summers (and a few very cold winters). I even met my wife of 30 years there. She was a cashier and I was a ramp attendant.
I worked for Basil Charuhas' son, Spiro (Spike), for 8 summers (and a few very cold winters). I even met my wife of 30 years there. She was a cashier and I was a ramp attendant.