Comments from maryprice

Showing 2 comments

maryprice commented about Flushing's RKO Keith's to Become Condos on Dec 16, 2005 at 5:12 am

I wonder if anyone involved with the new project will even try to recreate the old theater lobby. What will they draw on for expertise. Or will it be a matter of “well this will work” and leave it at that. With all the money and commerce in downtown Flushing it would be, with a little effort, a bonus for everyone to restore some of the graciousness that Flushing was and that the RKO epitomized.

Please think obout it guys!

maryprice commented about Flushing's RKO Keith's to Become Condos on Dec 29, 2004 at 10:55 am

I worked that theatre for five years. I knew the manager, assistant manager, ushers,candy counter workers, projectionist, electrician etc…I watched people by the thousands come past the box office and wonder at the beauty inside. I am appauled at the lack of respect for old Flushing and this is an example of nailing the coffin shut. Shame on everyone involved in it’s destruction.