Comments from mcurran

Showing 4 comments

mcurran commented about Exton Drive-In on Apr 19, 2016 at 3:43 pm

You can see a copy of the ad on my facebook page

mcurran commented about Exton Drive-In on Apr 19, 2016 at 3:35 pm

Yes, I just checked it was 1968. I found an ad from the Philadelphia Inquirer.

mcurran commented about Exton Drive-In on Apr 19, 2016 at 3:06 pm

Muviebuf – thanks for this reply – hopefully someone out there might have a movie ad for the Exton drive-in when NOLD played there – I remember it was very hot that evening if I recall so it must have been Summer. Maybe it was the Summer of 1970? The drive in was a perfect place for one of these kind of movies – especially with cornfields and old farmhouses nearby!

mcurran commented about Exton Drive-In on Apr 19, 2016 at 6:34 am

Many great memories of this Drive-In for me. I saw many movies here for the first time as a kid. One of my fondest memories was watching the movies from the backyard of my father’s rented apartment just behind the theater during long summer nights in Exton. I also saw George Romero’s classic Night of the Living Dead here in 1969, with my mother, and it scared me to death.

[Many years later I would direct Night of the Living Dead’s star ‘Judith O'Dea’ in my own horror film, ‘Abandoned Dead.’]

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Would love to find the original newspaper ads for Night of the Living Dead from the Summer of ‘69.

If anyone has any photos of the Exton Drive In please share here.

Mark W. Curran Los Angeles, CA.
April 2016