Comments from milanp

Showing 1 - 25 of 61 comments

milanp commented about Manor Theater on Dec 20, 2024 at 8:56 am

Does anyone remember whether the original Manor had a balcony?
I was only there once–in late 1975–and for the life of me can’t remember if they had one or not.

milanp commented about Fiesta Theater on Jul 11, 2022 at 2:19 pm

September 1, 1986 is a day that deserves to live in infamy. Losing the Fiesta and Chatham ON THE SAME DAY was the final nail in downtown Pittsburgh movie theaters. Damn you, Redstone!

milanp commented about Foster Art Theatre on Jul 9, 2021 at 8:57 am

What do they plan to do with the Foster? A theater showing mainstream films would never be profitable because–correctly or not–the Glenwood Avenue area has a rather dicey reputation. And the theater isn’t equipped for live performances either (the nearby Youngstown Playhouse has enough trouble attracting patrons, mostly because of its location). Personally, I think they should have just left it alone. While porn may no longer be chic, at least it was still operating as a “theater.” From the sound of it, the new owners have no intention of making the site functional. A restored facade would be nice, but if the theater itself remains an empty, ghostly shell inside, what’s the point? The money could be spent on more useful projects that might actually improve the lives of low income Youngstowners.

milanp commented about Baronet and Coronet Theatre on Jul 5, 2021 at 4:13 pm

Ahhhh, the Coronet. Sigh. Along with Cinema 1, it was arguably the most prestigious location in NYC–maybe America–to open a movie back in the ‘60s and '70s. Just consider some of the now-classic films that had their “exclusive” Manhattan engagement there back in the day: “Taxi Driver,” “Shampoo,” “Midnight Cowboy,” “The Last Detail,” “The Deer Hunter,” “The Turning Point,” “Paper Moon,” “Harold and Maude,” “The Landlord,” “Zabriskie Point,” “Five Easy Pieces,” “Brewster McCloud,” “Where’s Poppa?,” “Being There,” “Bound for Glory” (I guess you could say it was the “Ashby House”), etc., etc. I’d include “The Graduate,” of course, but it played day-and-date with Walter Reade’s Lincoln Art on 57th Street for most of its run. And “Chinatown” which was d&d with a B'way house.

milanp commented about State Theatre on Mar 29, 2021 at 10:56 am

Does anyone have a listing of movies that played the State Theater? I’m particularly interested in the period from the late 1950’s until their closing in 1969.

milanp commented about Newport Music Hall on Oct 15, 2019 at 5:48 pm

Wasn’t this theater still in operation (as a movie theater) in early 1974? I could swear I passed them and they were showing Marco Ferreri’s wonderfully scandalous “The Grand Bouffe” at the time. As a high school sophomore taking a “walking tour” of Ohio State with the Latin Club, I was sooooo impressed.

milanp commented about Schenley Theater on Oct 15, 2019 at 5:42 pm

I remember seeing a double feature of “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” and “Flipper’s New Adventure” here in the summer of 1964. Originally went to Wellman’s sister theater the Foster where “Molly” was playing solo, but the showtime was different than advertised. Drove the add'l mile-plus to the Schenley and saw “Molly”…with a co-feature, no less! The very definition of “neighborhood theater.” I remember vending machines that dispensed soft drinks and bags of candy in the lobby. And the popcorn (with real butter!) was served in foil-wrapped bags. Groovy! If only “nabes” like this still existed today.

milanp commented about Ambassador Cinema on Feb 14, 2019 at 10:05 am

The exterior of the theater is featured in the 1970 Gene Wilder movie, “Quackier Fortune Has a Cousin in the Bronx.” The Ambassador looks mighty spiffy—from outside at least.

milanp commented about Glendale Theatre on Dec 11, 2018 at 9:23 am

Is this the same Glendale Theater briefly seen in the 1954 noir “Crime Wave”?

milanp commented about State Theatre on Feb 20, 2016 at 7:11 pm

Patsy- Just saw your (long ago) post. Could you be thinking of the Southern Park Mall Cinema? It opened in April 1970 as a single-screen theater (w/ “MAS*H”), and, sadly, became a twin in mid-1977.

milanp commented about State Theatre on Feb 20, 2016 at 7:02 pm

Ed- I have no idea what the State looked like in 1952 since I wasn’t born yet, lol. But I’m guessing there must have been a substantial remodeling shortly thereafter since the State went on to become the premier roadshow house in downtown Youngstown (“West Side Story,” “Around the World in 80 Days,” “Dr. Zhivago,” “Cleopatra,” a year run of “The Sound of Music,” etc., etc.).

milanp commented about State Theatre on Feb 20, 2016 at 6:58 pm

Ed- Hope this a help. “Don’t Bother to Knock” (double-billed w/ “Holiday for Sinners”) opened at the Paramount on 8/14/52. “Where’s Charley?” (w/ “The Sea Tiger”) opened at the Warner on 8/15/52. The State opened the “Virginia City”/“Dodge City” double feature on 8/15/52 also.

milanp commented about Schenley Theater on Feb 20, 2016 at 6:35 pm

The theater closed in July 1967. For months afterwards, the Vindicator listed the Schenley as “Closed For Remodeling.” Needless to say it never re-opened. I’m guessing the Wellman family lost interest in the Schenley after opening the Wedgwood Cinema in June 1966. The older theater —located a stone’s throw away—was direct competition to the Wedgewood which was definitely the more expensive house to operate.

milanp commented about Grand Opera House on Mar 12, 2015 at 2:57 pm

The Esquire was still operating as an arthouse (!) in the spring of 1950. Not sure how much longer it stayed in business, though.

milanp commented about Kelly Strayhorn Theater on Jun 11, 2013 at 1:57 pm

Interesting theater. I only went there once—in July 1979—during what was possibly the Regent’s saddest period. The place was in dire straits: more seats seemed to be roped off than in use, and the whole building positively reeked of mold. I remember thinking that it was probably a fantastic “neighborhood theater” during its heyday, though.

milanp commented about Manor Theater on Sep 30, 2012 at 9:59 am

I take my 2010 comment back. The Manor has been recently (and beautifully) renovated, and is now Squirrel Hill’s crown jewel. Sadly, it’s also the only theater in the area now that the Squirrel Hill theater down the street has closed.

milanp commented about Uptown Theatre on Jan 2, 2012 at 6:09 pm

TIFF is an unholy monster, and the Uptown was just one of many casualties in their march to world (film festival) dominance. End of story, eh, Canucks?

milanp commented about Paramount Theatre on Oct 30, 2011 at 6:28 am

Thanks for the information, Wolfgirl. Much appreciated.

milanp commented about Paramount Theatre on Oct 29, 2011 at 8:39 pm

Hey Wolfgirl—I noticed a photo of the old Regent Theater on your photo page.
Any idea when it closed for good? Or its seating capacity? I could swear I saw a 1964 ad for the Regent in an old Vindicator clipping on the Palace’s C./T. page. Although I remember seeing movies at many of the downtown houses (the Palace, the State, the Warner, the Paramount) prior to ‘64 when I was very young, I have absolutely zero recollection of the Regent. Considering how (relatively) small downtown Youngstown is, it seems downright bizarre that I wouldn’t have at least seen the facade at one time or another.

milanp commented about State Theatre on Oct 15, 2011 at 10:01 pm

Thanks for posting those old newspaper ads. Talk about a blast from the past—such fun seeing them again! I’m also happy to learn that my memory wasn’t playing tricks on me re: opening dates. Perhaps the reason I didn’t remember “Star!” or “Finian’s Rainbow” as “roadshow” style engagements was that I bought my ticket(s) the day of show and sat wherever I liked. Of course, that sort of thing was always easier to do in large venues like the State or Wedgewood than, say, the Uptown where the Fosters were always sticklers for rules, lol. Even if the theater was practically empty (like, for example, during their roadshow booking of “Sweet Charity” later that year) an usher would make sure that you stayed in your assigned seat at all times. Also interesting to see that some of the area drive-ins were going strong…in January. And with such interesting, auteur-friendly double-bills.
“Bullitt” and “Petulia”!?! “The Stalking Moon” and “Poor Cow”!?!?!?!
Crazy, crazy stuff—I love it!

milanp commented about State Theatre on Oct 15, 2011 at 8:04 pm

Addendum to previous post: “The Lion in Winter” opened in February as well.
Looking back at a time when virtually everything opens on 3,000+ screens simultaneously, it’s remarkable to consider how long it took movies to make it to Youngstown. “Funny Girl” opened (in “major markets”) in September ‘68; “Lion,” “Star!” and “F/Rainbow,” October '68; “Fisherman,” November '68; “Oliver!” (which opened relatively quickly in the Youngstown market), “Chitty” and “Ice Station” were all Xmas '68 releases.

milanp commented about State Theatre on Oct 15, 2011 at 7:14 pm

I’m pretty sure that “Oliver!” and “Star!” (their exclamation marks; not mine, lol) opened mid-February, Wolfgirl. “Finian’s Rainbow” was at the Paramount that February as well, followed shortly thereafter by “The Shoes of the Fisherman,” another roadshow film. Oddly, 1968’s other “big” year-end r-show pics (“Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” and “Ice Station Zebra”) didn’t hit Youngstown until June (at the Liberty Plaza and Paramount respectively). And I’m pretty sure that only “Funny G.,” “Oliver!” and “Lion” were “hard ticket”/reserved performances (if not seats) engagements here. Possibly because they were the only hits out of that “more-quantity-than-quality” r-show pack.

milanp commented about State Theatre on Oct 15, 2011 at 12:26 pm

There was indeed a balcony at the State, Wayne. I still remember the first Saturday matinee performance of “Mary Poppins” back in February 1965 when I had to take turns sitting on the balcony floor because management oversold the house.

milanp commented about State Theatre on Oct 1, 2011 at 5:00 pm

The Paramount played its share of roadshow movies in the 1960s as well. “My Fair Lady,” the 1967 “GWTW” reissue, “Camelot,” even “Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines.” The State did, however, have the majority of roadshow hits, including “The Sound of Music” (which ran seemingly forever back then), “Dr. Zhivago” and “Funny Girl.” Of course, the State also played “Dr. Dolittle” which was pretty much d.o.a. by the time they finally got it in June of 1968.

milanp commented about Nile Theatre on May 13, 2011 at 7:46 am

Some of those double-features are positively surreal!
Thanks for posting thjem, Plinfesty.
This sounds like the perfect neighborhood theater—if your neighborhood is on Mars.
I positively love it!