Comments from Mimi

Showing 3 comments

Mimi commented about DuPage Theater on Dec 4, 2004 at 1:51 am

Concerned Taxpayer really needs to find another place to air his negative comments. Thank-you for all your positive feedback Brian, Ron, Charles and Ziggy. Shouldn’t this site be reserved for people to share their love of cinema treasures?
Pam Pulice

Mimi commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 11, 2004 at 2:12 am

To Set the Record Straight —
The Village of Lombard did not take over the DuPage Theatre. It received the theatre as a gift for its citizens from Big Idea Corporation when it outgrew the location. The Village is not in the theatre business; they have signed an agreement with the DuPage Theatre Foundation to manage and oversee its restoration and operation. The Village of Lombard provides TIF funds to businesses within a TIF district to enhance and strengthen that district. TIF funds would be provided to any elegible business on that corner, not specifically the theatre building. Tax dollars used for the DuPage Theatre are monies set aside for these kinds of projects in towns across America. If Lombard does not get the money another town will. People working to save the historic DuPage Theatre are wisely seeking out available grants, just as students do. For the latest information visit

Mimi commented about DuPage Theater on Jun 14, 2004 at 6:30 pm

The Friends of the DuPage Theatre’s Oral History program has begun! We are currently videotaping interviews with people who have fond memories of the DuPage Theatre. Photographs, programs, or other theatre momentos are also being sought for our archives. If you would like to participate in our Oral History program or have any items related to the theatre, we would love to hear from you! Contact Pam “Mimi” Pulice at 630-627-6464. Friends of the DuPage Theatre Video Chair