I teach at a nearby public school (built in 1913) where my students have unearthed a lot of very old artifacts from under closet floorboards, including a Mecca Theatre ticket with an ad on the back for Summer & Austein Confectionary Store at 193 Avenue B (“candy in boxes—our specialty”). We also found ticket stubs from the Bijou nearby. You can see our old ticket on our Instagram account, @closetarchaeology.
I teach at a nearby public school (built in 1913) where my students have unearthed a lot of very old artifacts from under closet floorboards, including a Mecca Theatre ticket with an ad on the back for Summer & Austein Confectionary Store at 193 Avenue B (“candy in boxes—our specialty”). We also found ticket stubs from the Bijou nearby. You can see our old ticket on our Instagram account, @closetarchaeology.