The Monroe Drive In lost customers to the Super Drive In (½ mile east on US 74) which was newer, cleaner and showed first run movies. When the market for B movies and 2nd run movies slowed in the 70s they changed over to X rated movies until they were forced to close in the early 80s.
You have 9 theaters listed for Monroe. There was a 10th, “The Moonlite Drive In”. It was 2 miles east of the Monroe city limits on US 74 and a 1 ½ miles from the Wingate town limits. It opened in 1947 and operated until 1954.
The Monroe Drive In lost customers to the Super Drive In (½ mile east on US 74) which was newer, cleaner and showed first run movies. When the market for B movies and 2nd run movies slowed in the 70s they changed over to X rated movies until they were forced to close in the early 80s.
You have 9 theaters listed for Monroe. There was a 10th, “The Moonlite Drive In”. It was 2 miles east of the Monroe city limits on US 74 and a 1 ½ miles from the Wingate town limits. It opened in 1947 and operated until 1954.