Comments from musicrewind

Showing 4 comments

musicrewind commented about Fabian Theatre on Oct 25, 2005 at 4:23 am

Anybody out there have photos of any of the tgheaters that were in Paterson? I would love to include them in my book I am writing about theses treasures, Let me know.

musicrewind commented about Fabian Theatre on Oct 3, 2005 at 8:07 am

As far as money is concerned, why can’t there be an adopt a seat program? anybody interested in adoptingt a seat would have a small plaque on the back of said seat. There are corporate sponsors just waiting to jump on programs like this, how about volunteers? People who have the expertise donating thier time and effort to save this place. It can be done and I would love to have help in getting a commitee together any body interested please give me a call 973-341-4740 Joe

musicrewind commented about Fabian Theatre on Oct 3, 2005 at 8:02 am

Rhett, If this theater gets restored then Paterson will have no choice but to put pressure on the owner of the hotel to speed up his restoration project and then will get the fabian office building goins as well. The cosden building across the street was refurbished recently as well. It will bring theater groups in and in turn will leave Paterson no choice but to prioritize the safety and rebuilding of this area. Hey if Newark did it we can too

musicrewind commented about Fabian Theatre on Sep 29, 2005 at 6:10 am

Does anybody have the guts to try to save this once great theater? I do. If you have the desire to see this theater return to glory, then help me form a group to try and save it. The Friends of the Fabian Theater is what I am calling this and I welcome any and all who want to help. There is plenty to do and God knows this would be a huge undertaking but we have to try. Please if you have any contact information for the owner (s), or any helpfull information at all contact me. I would like to get together with people who want to save this theater. If we bring enough light on this , there are Angels out there that would help, Joseph Caiola 973-341-4740