Comments from nancyflagg

Showing 2 comments

nancyflagg commented about College Theater on May 7, 2006 at 5:19 pm

i use to go to movies in 1950 and it was no bingo hall it was a
theater and i grew up going to the movies there until i worked there
when i was 16 years old. i will tell you the cashier was in the front
and the doorman took the tickets when you walked in, and after that the candystand was on your right as so was the ladies room. On your
left was the manager’s office. there was about eight stairs before the office, the turn right again and make a left to the men’s room.
make a right from the men’s room and you had your cellar where we use to change into our uniforms to work. Just ahead from the door from where you walk in you can see the movie screen. you had your balcony on your upstairs to the right and left of you and in the middle. they projection room was upstairs to the left of you . you are right about the seats being 675 and we had standing room only.
nancy flagg

nancyflagg commented about College Theater on May 7, 2006 at 5:01 pm

hi i worked in the college theater from 1962 til 1970. i know that
theater in side out and on the outside. it was a nice little theater
and it is to bad it is gone.

nancy flagg