Comments from nrodgers

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nrodgers commented about Meadowbrook Theatre on Sep 9, 2010 at 12:47 pm

OMG. and Maura, how could I forget Maura, part of the 1977 crew at the Meadowbrook. Feel free to keep adding if any one else was left out.

nrodgers commented about Meadowbrook Theatre on Sep 9, 2010 at 12:45 pm

Holy Crap! I just stumbled upon this log by accident. What a goldmine of memories. In the past few days I just reconnected with Dave/Hugh"Houston"/Dana/Tom. Don, you were one of the few guys whose last name I couldn’t remember. Remember the night after a mid-night show you, Tom and I went to CPI and they wouldn’t let you in with sneakers. We drove back and got your shoes because the place was hopping. For those of you reading, we were members of the re-opening crew when they expanded the theater to a QUAD in 1977. remember the mgr Charlie (Dana’s Uncle) and Jean was his Asst.Mgr then. Later Tony L. (where is he today?) and then Mary Cunningham (RIP). How about the after hours (2am) 50’s party. How about Louie “the green hornet” projectionist, He worked the platter system in the 3 new theaters. The original Meadowbrook and the Big Syosset Theater were CLASSIC large balcony houses. I had the good fortune to have worked in both of them among others including the Westbury Drive-in. Great times and memories all around. Here’s to the 1977 crew, Dave/Dana/Don/Tom/Trudy/KathyG/KathyS/KathyM/Jackie/Noreen/Karen(77?)/Vicky(77?)…and sadly Joel. Hope I didn’t forget anyone, thanks for the memories guys. I hope everyone has had a happy life.
Best Regards
Neil R.