Comments from Ohmann

Showing 2 comments

Ohmann commented about Ohmann Theatre on May 1, 2005 at 9:07 am

Ohmann Theatre update:

New projection system – Film and DVD capabilities

New Sound – Special suround -stereo- digital

New stage sound with a special mixing board –

New Lighting Special stage and Spot lighting

New seating in lower auditorium – original Irwin seats decorative panels-same look today as 1915.

Balcony seating to be refurbished original seats

Ohmann commented about Ohmann Theatre on Nov 30, 2004 at 9:10 pm

I hear the Ohmann Theatre is being remodeled by the origial family. I also hear that the Re-Grand opening will be in 2005.
Is ithe oldest theatre in Western N.Y.?