I very fondly remember my childhood spent in MV and the Arion movie house was a big part of my memories. I went there in the forties and fifties and remember that children’s admission was 25 cents and on weekdays it was 11 or 12 cents. Most candy was 6 cents. There were many times directly from school (PS 87) I would go to the movies to watch such films (as I remember) Sunset Blvd, Boris Karloff/Bela Lugosi horror ones, Lon Chaney Jr Wolf Man films, etc.
I’m sorry to read above that in it’s latter day it wasn’t kept up well.
I very fondly remember my childhood spent in MV and the Arion movie house was a big part of my memories. I went there in the forties and fifties and remember that children’s admission was 25 cents and on weekdays it was 11 or 12 cents. Most candy was 6 cents. There were many times directly from school (PS 87) I would go to the movies to watch such films (as I remember) Sunset Blvd, Boris Karloff/Bela Lugosi horror ones, Lon Chaney Jr Wolf Man films, etc.
I’m sorry to read above that in it’s latter day it wasn’t kept up well.