Comments from pbrooke

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pbrooke commented about Orson Welles Cinema on Feb 3, 2006 at 2:13 pm

I lived in Cambridge back in the late 60’s early 70’s and was very much a part of the Orson Welles scene in the beginning. The initial owners were Dean and Frances Gitter. My best friend, Jennifer, lived with them and was also on the crew that built the restaurant. I spent many nights at Dean’s house. I just did a search for Dean’s name and hes now some impresario kind of developer in upstate NY. I found this site because I was just thinking about the time Neil Young played and it was great to read that someone else was there that night, too. It was my son’s first official concert…he was about 14 mos at the time. He crawled right up in Neil’s lap that night. and Neil let him play with his guitar. I remember Odette and there were problems that came up soon after her hire. I cant remember the whole story, but something came up missing in the kitchen and she wanted everyone who worked there to have a lie detector test. This was also at the time of the labor union thing and I know a lot of the kitchen staff didnt like her. In the beginning it was an amazing place and there was much camaraderie amongst the staff, but the hiring of Odette was when that whole love and sharing thing ended. The shine was defihitely off the bloom as in the begining it was amazing to be amongst such great visionary energy. There was an maitre’d i can picture today. His name was David Deam (i think) and I wonder whatever happened to him. They had some outrageous after hours parties there, too. Does anyone remember Peter White Bus? Curly red haired guy who lived in a white bus with his two black and white dogs? I think ke taught there. He was a photographer. Its so cool to remember all this stuff. That whole period was a very exciting time.