Comments from pjwalsh

Showing 4 comments

pjwalsh commented about Beverly Theatre on Mar 30, 2009 at 4:41 pm

Sure McNallys sounds good! Any weekday night is good for me. The question is, how will I recognize you after more than 40 years? Will you be wearing your bow tie with your cardboard “dickie” and red coat?

pjwalsh commented about Beverly Theatre on Feb 6, 2009 at 3:13 pm

Hey Jim
Yes it would be good to get together and reminisce. I moved back to Chicago and the Beverly area (St Barnabas) last year after living around the country for the past 25 years Maybe we can get together for a beer or something, but please don’t take 4 years to respond this time ! :)

pjwalsh commented about Beverly Theatre on Dec 6, 2004 at 3:20 pm

Ok Jim I will take your word for it since you WERE the COSBT at the time and I was at best HUBT probably just a lowly Usher (at 1$ per hour plus all the popcorn and “damaged” candy you can eat!) Yes those were good times I can still remember the names of about everyone who worked there during my years (Jan 66 to May 68) I can remember your antics of always putting the man’s name ahead of the womans name on the Marquee and your “art” of strategically stapling the movie posters in place

pjwalsh commented about Beverly Theatre on Jan 6, 2004 at 11:11 am

Actually The Sound of Music ran for 26 weeks (started around Christmas in 1965 and ran until June 1966( I worked there as an usher and still can recite the movie line by line!