Sadly, all of Wehrenberg’s theaters was bought out by Wisconsin’s own Marcus Theatres. At Chesterfield Galaxy, they changed the Mega Screen into their own large screen format the Ultra Screen, completed with heated recliners. Next, they replaced all stadium seats with recliners as well, plus another set of heated recliners at the Super Screen (opposite from the Ultra Screen). They changed the banner at the entrance to “Marcus 14 Cine.” And soon, they’ll retire Wehrenberg’s name… forever. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I forgot to mention that Marcus changed all of the stadium seats into recliners. With heated reclines in the Super Screen at one end, and the Ultra Screen at the other.
Sadly, it was bought out by Wisconsin’s own Marcus Theatres. They changed the Mega Screen into their own large screen format the Ultra Screen. Next, they changed the banner at the entrance to “Marcus 14 Cine.” And soon, they’ll retire Wehrenberg’s name… forever. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sadly, all of Wehrenberg’s theaters was bought out by Wisconsin’s own Marcus Theatres. At Chesterfield Galaxy, they changed the Mega Screen into their own large screen format the Ultra Screen, completed with heated recliners. Next, they replaced all stadium seats with recliners as well, plus another set of heated recliners at the Super Screen (opposite from the Ultra Screen). They changed the banner at the entrance to “Marcus 14 Cine.” And soon, they’ll retire Wehrenberg’s name… forever. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I forgot to mention that Marcus changed all of the stadium seats into recliners. With heated reclines in the Super Screen at one end, and the Ultra Screen at the other.
Sadly, it was bought out by Wisconsin’s own Marcus Theatres. They changed the Mega Screen into their own large screen format the Ultra Screen. Next, they changed the banner at the entrance to “Marcus 14 Cine.” And soon, they’ll retire Wehrenberg’s name… forever. Sorry for the inconvenience.