Comments from pote1995

Showing 3 comments

pote1995 commented about Gem Theatre on Mar 20, 2009 at 7:12 am

Steve, I know you are being inundated with requests, but could you send me a photo of the Colonial? My e-mail is Thanks

pote1995 commented about Gem Theatre on Aug 5, 2007 at 9:29 am

Hi guys! Just saw the Simpsons at the Gem on 8/4/2007. First time back inside the theatre in 44 years! Admission at 3:30PM, $1.00 for seniors. Big tub of popcorn, $2.00, drinks at $1.25. Better bargin than 44 years ago in ralation to todays money value. The theatre seemed the same to me as I remembered. Very clean, and no smells. Can’t believe they have maintained so well. Rest of downtown K-town was disappointing in lack of activity, but neat as always. Great town, the citizens should be proud.

pote1995 commented about Gem Theatre on May 22, 2006 at 4:14 am

The theater in North Kannapolis was the “Main” on Cannon Blvd (US 29). Admission was 10/15 cents in early 60’s. Could get 10 hotdogs for a dollar at a cafe down the street. Was a great time/place to be a kid in early 60’s at K-town.