Comments from projectophile

Showing 4 comments

projectophile commented about Odeon Carlton on Apr 28, 2004 at 9:55 pm

I think the Odeon Carlton seating of 3200 is a little generous. It was more like 2550.
I remember going to see the latest James Bond movie that always opened at the Carlton around Christmas. What a delight it was to be there. Colin Corbett provided an organ concert before the movie. The packed house cheered and clapped when the organ rose and then went back down after the performance.
The Odeon Carlton was very much like some of the larger British Odeons. The showmanship was quite good considering the union rules at the time which required a member of the stagehands union to open and close the immense curtain. The projectionist used a buzzer to let the stagehand know when to operate the curtains!

I loved the Odeon Carlton. Even in the late 60’s you felt you were getting a good show in a theatre that was still quite modern.
Unfortunately the Carlton was sitting on prime property, just down the street from Maple Leaf Gardens. The land was worth many times more than the theatre. When the inevitable came I watched sadly as the wreckers ball destroyed of one of the finest movie theatres we ever had in Canada.

projectophile commented about Capitol Theatre on Apr 27, 2004 at 7:23 pm

The Capitol in Ottawa was a Thomas Lamb designed theatre very much like the Uptown in Toronto. In the early to mid 1960’s when I went to the Capitol many times they also had live shows.
The Capitol was a magnificent theatre but its downtown property value became so high it could not possibly last.

projectophile commented about Final Moments of the Ambassador Super Cinema on Apr 27, 2004 at 1:39 pm


Thanks for the Manchester site. I saw the interior shot on the Ambassador website but this site gives a much better impression.

Too bad another one has gone. This one looked like it was worth saving for sure.

Martin Chapman.

projectophile commented about Final Moments of the Ambassador Super Cinema on Apr 27, 2004 at 8:08 am


Any photos of the original interior available anywhere?

