Comments from randalljcb

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randalljcb commented about Eastwood Theatre on Jul 24, 2016 at 9:02 am

I remember seeing Star Wars for the first time in late September of 1977 at Eastwood Theater. We had moved to the Westside of Indy from Tupelo Mississippi. It was back to being exclusive to Eastwood, and mom was not happy about trekking across town for a movie. After that, it became a phenomenon in Indy, as each week the ad in paper would state how many weeks the film had been there. I remember checking the paper each week and seeing “48th Smash Week, 49th Smash week”. It was a fun thing as a kid to do. And then the news that night in June did a story that it was over and after 55 weeks the run was done.

In May of 1980, I was there for opening day of Empire. Anyone remember that? I made it in for the first showing, and the first 20 minutes or so of the dialogue track was garbled, and people were getting mad. Finally, they fixed it and the show went on.

I remember the late 80’s when it became the Old Trail Theater and for some reason I think I saw them showing Harry and the Hendersons there. It was a great old theater.