Comments from RedwoodResearcher

Showing 2 comments

RedwoodResearcher commented about Eureka Theater on Feb 14, 2008 at 8:37 am

Can someone tell me what is the basis for attributing this theatre to William B. David?

recently; William B. David is listed as the architect in the article printed in the Humboldt Standard March 2, 1939. The day before the theater opened. I see you have a number of his theaters listed as your favorites, you may enjoy reading this pdf about him. View link

RedwoodResearcher commented about Midway Drive-In on Feb 14, 2008 at 7:58 am

Hey Ken, nope, doesn’t look like the Eureka Midway. Here: View link is a picture of it in 1955. I’ll get a more modern shot of it in the next couple of days.