Many,many good memories of this theatre, we lived not far away on Clela St. right across the street from Winter Gardens Elementary School. Teachers were Mr. Winkler and Mr. Shimabukuro. I sure would like to hear from old school mates
I had a friend named Ricky Cortinez his brother played bass for Cannibal & The Headhunters, they played at the GG and we sat behind the drummer looking out into the audience as they played Land Of 1000 Dances,it was my first concert and a very exciting event for me, girls were screaming! Does anyone else remember that day?They later opened for The Beatles in NYC.We went to Winter Gardens Elementary Mr. Shimabukuro’s class must have been around 65or66
Many,many good memories of this theatre, we lived not far away on Clela St. right across the street from Winter Gardens Elementary School. Teachers were Mr. Winkler and Mr. Shimabukuro. I sure would like to hear from old school mates
I had a friend named Ricky Cortinez his brother played bass for Cannibal & The Headhunters, they played at the GG and we sat behind the drummer looking out into the audience as they played Land Of 1000 Dances,it was my first concert and a very exciting event for me, girls were screaming! Does anyone else remember that day?They later opened for The Beatles in NYC.We went to Winter Gardens Elementary Mr. Shimabukuro’s class must have been around 65or66