Comments from rkolodny

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rkolodny commented about Shady Oak Cine on Dec 3, 2008 at 6:44 pm

“Oldtheatermanager” – You are nearly right on the story. How do I know, I was one of the five owners. I was the only person who tried to buy everyone out so I could keep the theater running. (It did not matter that Wehrenberg filed for bankruptcy, they rented from us.) Some could not agree on what to do. Others were just greedy. And not one of the four wanted me to buy the building even though it was going to be sold. My husband and I hoped to buy her, move to St. Louis (my home town), give the girl a face lift and keep her going. I tried as hard as I could but 4 people out voted me and I have been sick about it to this very day.