Comments from robabank1

Showing 12 comments

robabank1 commented about Portage Theatre on Aug 2, 2007 at 11:06 am

P.S. left off my e-mail

robabank1 commented about Times Theatre on Aug 2, 2007 at 11:05 am

P.S. left off my e-mail

robabank1 commented about Patio Theatre on Aug 2, 2007 at 11:04 am

P.S. left off my e-mail

robabank1 commented about Jefferson Theatre on Aug 2, 2007 at 11:03 am

I am writing an article on old movie houses in and around Jefferson Park, Chicago; if anyone has a photo of the Jefferson Nickelodeon or any idea where I can find one please contact me.

robabank1 commented about Portage Theatre on Aug 2, 2007 at 10:58 am

am writing an article on old movie houses in or near Jefferson Park, Chicago; if anyone has any photos available inside or out of the building, either as the Times or the Holiday Ballroom please contact me. Also looking for photos of the Jefferson Nickelodeon, Gateway, PORTAGE and Patio. Were there any others nearby that I didn’t mention? I will try the Library and Historical Society files too. Roughly looking between Cicero & Austin, Irving and Bryn Mawr Ave’s.

robabank1 commented about Patio Theatre on Aug 2, 2007 at 10:57 am

I am writing an article on old movie houses in or near Jefferson Park, Chicago; if anyone has any photos available inside or out of the building, either as the Times or the Holiday Ballroom please contact me. Also looking for photos of the Jefferson Nickelodeon, Gateway, Portage and PATIO. Were there any others nearby that I didn’t mention? I will try the Library and Historical Society files too. Roughly looking between Cicero & Austin, Irving and Bryn Mawr Ave’s.

robabank1 commented about Times Theatre on Aug 2, 2007 at 10:54 am

I am writing an article on old movie houses in or near Jefferson Park, Chicago; if anyone has any photos available inside or out of the building, either as the Times or the Holiday Ballroom please contact me. Also looking for photos of the Jefferson Nickelodeon, Gateway, Portage and Patio. Were there any others nearby that I didn’t mention? I will try the Library and Historical Society files too. Roughly looking between Cicero & Austin, Irving and Bryn Mawr Ave’s.

robabank1 commented about Copernicus Center on Dec 29, 2006 at 12:10 pm

4700 block of N.Milwaukee?? West side of the street??
Could that be the building with the name “JEFFERSON” made out of the brickwork?
If so, that building was a nickelodeon and its still there! The brick is painted cream and the “JEFFERSON” is highlighted in maroon now, but for a long time it was all one color and not very noticable.
The “TIMES” was on the other side of the street a block north where Higgins runs into Milwaukee; I only remember that one as the “Holiday Ballroom”.

robabank1 commented about Copernicus Center on Sep 14, 2005 at 8:33 am

Can Jim Rankin contact me regarding his July 28 comment about Chicago having one of the highest percentages of condos in the nation. I would like to attribute this quote in my next article of our neighborhood newsletter.

robabank1 commented about Patio Theatre on Sep 14, 2005 at 7:29 am

I remember seeing my wife’s Luther High School North yearbook, which had a picture of the Patio right on the hardbound cover! I’m not sure if they altered the image on the marquee to say something about that years class, or if they actually held their graduation there.
I’ll have to search around for the year book but I think it was from 1975, ‘76 or '77.

robabank1 commented about Portage Theatre on Sep 14, 2005 at 7:12 am

Paul Warshauer how are you doing in the suburbs?
It’s tragic that the Portage sits idle and its terrible how the City stymied your every effort to re-open it.
Just a couple of miles east on another angled street (Lincoln), the Davis Theatre shows first run movies, the street is filled with stores, restaurants and coffee houses but on Milwaukee Avenue where the Portage sits shuttered the street looks like downtown Bagdad.
How can two similar neighborhoods in so many respects be so different?

robabank1 commented about Copernicus Center on Sep 14, 2005 at 6:51 am

The Gateway is vital to it’s neighborhood not just as a movie house but as gathering place for local productions like the locally produced movie about a 100 year old nun from a nearby parish, public forums such as Aldermanic debates, City sponsored hearings such as the recent Planning Dept.’s Revised Zoning Hearing, The Jefferson Park Historical Society’s meetings, independent campaign kickoffs and on and on. Where else in the neighborhood can we get so many people together in one place? I remember trying to rent Jeff. Parks fieldhouse for the last Aldermanic debate only to have the Park District call our neighborhood assoc. back to say we could not have it on that date afterall and then when we tried to rent Wilson Pk. after initially being told it should be no problem, we were told that the floors were being sanded that week! The Gateway is not only a historic gem and a neighborhood identifier, its integral as a meeting place for the residents right to assemble and participate in the elctoral process.
If the City can spend $688 million on Soldier Field for 8 football games surely they can invest a few million thru tax credits and grants, into the Portage, Patio annd Gateway Theatres.