Comments from RobbRatto

Showing 2 comments

RobbRatto commented about Alameda Theatre on Jun 4, 2008 at 11:43 am

For Stefoscope: The gala opening party was a fund raiser and enough was raised to fully restore the mural you mentioned and to fully restore the main stage curtain which currently has a patch on it. There will be money left over to address stenciling the ceiling of the marquee (after the Pepsi truck damage is repaired) and to possibly reproduce furniture for the second floor lounge area in front of the mural.

The simple fact of the matter is; without the cineplex and parking garage the restoration of the historic theatre would not have happened. Thank-you JWR for understanding the economic factors involved in the project as a whole.

For ciedo – Sorry you won’t step feet in the new building. You’re going to miss some really good movies. By the way, in post of January 20 you state the views of Twin Towers Church and City Hall are blocked by the new cineplex. While the view of the church has been blocked (you might want to walk up Central a bit to see the church), you could never see City Hall from the corner in front of Peet’s coffee. In fact the building that blocks the view of City Hall from that particular corner (as you well know) is the historic theatre. It’s always my pleasure to set the record straight when misinformation about the project is posted.

The theatre operation is going through some growing pains right now. All ships need a shake down cruise to get everything working properly. This ship’s shake down cruise might be the most scrutinized in a long time. Please be patient and I’m sure the operation will working at 100% soon.

The historic theatre does look fantastic. The blending of the historic/huge auditorium and the new techology makes the movie going experience a unique experience that everyone should take advantage of as often as possible.

I’ll see you all at the movies.

Robb Ratto
Executive Director
Park Street Business Association

RobbRatto commented about Alameda Theatre on Jan 5, 2005 at 11:59 am

The City of Alameda is attempting to restore the old theatre, build a new building next door (for more screens) and build a 325 space parking garage next to that. Every effort will be made to restore the old theatre to it’s original glory (within budget limitations). The Park Street Business Association (PSBA) is highly involved in this project. For further information please call PSBA 510-523-1392 or email us at Our web site ( will soon have a page devoted to the theatre project.