Comments from RobertT

Showing 2 comments

RobertT commented about Empire Theater on Aug 10, 2014 at 8:23 am

Sadly yes, it has been remodeled and it’s original design/layout is lost forever. However I do have photos of the inside of it before the remodel. Also sadly the Sealtest Icecream building located next to the Empire Theater has been torn down completely. The only good thing that was worth the fight was the restoring of Dearborn Hall on Lake Ave.

RobertT commented about Empire Theater on May 6, 2009 at 8:01 am

To everyone who may read this. The date is May 5, 2009 and a private owner bought what is the ‘Empire Theater’ and the building next to it, 420 Belmont. To add more infomation, the building of 420 used to have a underground bowling alley, a single lane was used, the bowling alley is located behind the building and only the roof is seen from Cedar street. I obtained this information from Robert Howe, who is now the building manager for the owner of said properties. There is also a second hand shop here in Manchester that has some of the original seats from the ‘Empire Theater’ for sale. I will get the information of that place soon. Coming up May 9th, 2009 at 11am at the Empire Theater there will be a rally. Hope everyone interested can come. Also if you check in their May 4th edition, there is an article about the Empire Theater and a photo of it. If you would like to contact me, email me at and I will keep in contact with you.