Comments from robertwa

Showing 2 comments

robertwa commented about Glenwood Theatre on May 8, 2008 at 3:18 pm

Someone asked above when the Glenwood changed from a theater to a bowling alley. I would guess sometime around 1960-1962. I used to go the the Glenwood theater as a kid from the mid-1950’s to early 1960’s (I also bowled there many times later on). The price for kids was usually 25 cents except for some special showings (“30 Color Cartoons for 30 Cents”). At the time we thought the Ridgewood and Madison were too expensive at 35-40 cents! At Holloween, the Glenwood theater usually had a costume contest. I remember going as a spaceman one year!

I attended St. Matthias (class of ‘62) and I remember the nuns taking the entire school – in two-by two file along Catalpa. Ave. and Fresh Pond Rd. to the Oasis Theater to see the 10 Commandments, which would have been 1956.

robertwa commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Feb 25, 2008 at 1:45 pm

We used to buy pretzles at the factory on Starr St. in the early 1960’s. I don’t remember exactly where it was. We bought the pretzles for 2 or 3 cents and sold them for 5 or 6 cents. Many times the “regular” pretzle sellers on Myrtle Ave. would chase us away saying that we were hurting their business.