Comments from RobF150

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RobF150 commented about Syosset Theatre on Mar 16, 2013 at 2:24 am

I worked at the 150 for a few years. We took pride in our job and it was a fun atmosphere we were all friends and being a single theatre once the movie started we had little to do. so of course being 18-19 years old we had a blast and enjoyed our job. I agree with bobt that the seating was 98x seats. I worked the ticket booth for the entire time I was there and we would often have to stop selling tickets when we hit 920 or so because the remainder of the seats would be first few rows and people would often come back when the movie started to get their money back. I would remember all the patrons by face, some by name because they would come for each new movie. For me personally Terminator 2 stands out, the opening future wars scene would literally take people’s breath away. The theatre spoiled you, to this day i cant stand to step foot in these cookie cutter multiplexes.