Proud to be the first person to remember this theatre fondly; it was the very first theatre I was allowed to visit by myself, an important milestone for a kid. Nor should people scoff at its size; the downtown Baltimore Little Theater was half the size of the Irvington, seat-wise. I remember any number of movies I saw here, as well as the vending machine at the back that always seemed to have Goldberg Peanut Chews, a treat I still enjoy. It was also quieter than the Edmonson Village theatre two miles away, as that was next to a bowling alley.
Proud to be the first person to remember this theatre fondly; it was the very first theatre I was allowed to visit by myself, an important milestone for a kid. Nor should people scoff at its size; the downtown Baltimore Little Theater was half the size of the Irvington, seat-wise. I remember any number of movies I saw here, as well as the vending machine at the back that always seemed to have Goldberg Peanut Chews, a treat I still enjoy. It was also quieter than the Edmonson Village theatre two miles away, as that was next to a bowling alley.