Comments from rrahim

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rrahim commented about Rivoli Theatre on Nov 10, 2013 at 9:14 am

Hi there, I rember the Rivoli as being the “Plush” movie theatre in the early 1950’s. My siblings and I went there when we had the 25 cents admission price. They gave out prizes at the end of each show. They ripped your ticket in half, giving you one half back and the second half went into a bucket. At the end of the show, the master of ceremony would come on stage and pull a winning ticket out of the bucket and announce the winner and the prize. I once won a “Roy Roger’s watch” . I loved that theatre. That’s when you got more than you paid for when you attended the movies!

rrahim commented about Roxbury Theatre on Nov 10, 2013 at 9:09 am

Hey, I remember the Roxie theatre on Washington st. It was only 9 cents to get in. It was pretty run down when my siblings and I attended in the early 1950’s and at time a scary place for children as derelicts sometimes slept there as there was no time limit to leaving after watching a movie. “Scary”

rrahim commented about Plaza Theatre on Nov 10, 2013 at 9:00 am

My siblings and I use to walk to the Plaza theatre on Saturday mornings for the early shows. We were living on Vernon and Tremont St at the time. It was in the early 1950’s and safe enough for 7, 8 and 9 year olds to walk there by themselves and see a movie unaccompanied. Those were the days!