I was hired as an assistant projectionist at Imaginasian when they first opened June 2004. The theater was/is a pet project of AItv- the first all asian network tv station. The people who were appointed to open it had never had anything to do with running a theater before. We opened with two film festivals back to back – Miike and another one I forget. we were working with one platter projector, one trailer sized split reel, and about 30 prints which arrived on cores.
They were one of the first theaters to use an electronic ticketing scanner at the door, instead of a real live ticket taker.
I was always interested in the theater’s history as the Cine Malibu, but nobody else there seemed to know anything about it.
The 2nd st entrance to AFA appears in Spiderman 2 as the extirior to Doc.Oc’s labrotory.
I was hired as an assistant projectionist at Imaginasian when they first opened June 2004. The theater was/is a pet project of AItv- the first all asian network tv station. The people who were appointed to open it had never had anything to do with running a theater before. We opened with two film festivals back to back – Miike and another one I forget. we were working with one platter projector, one trailer sized split reel, and about 30 prints which arrived on cores.
They were one of the first theaters to use an electronic ticketing scanner at the door, instead of a real live ticket taker.
I was always interested in the theater’s history as the Cine Malibu, but nobody else there seemed to know anything about it.