SBT Box Office
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Photo Info
Taken on: January 30, 2014
Uploaded on: July 30, 2014
Exposure: 1/30 sec, f/2.4, ISO 250
Camera: Apple iPod touch
Software: 6.1.5
GPS: 43° 38' 56" N, -79° 23' 28" W
Size: 211.9 KB
Views: 2,321
Full EXIF: View all
GPS latitude ref: N
Shutter speed value: 4035/821
Exposure time: 1/30
White balance: 0
GPS time stamp: 19511143/50
Pixel X dimension: 960
Metering mode: 5
X resolution: 72
GPS latitude: 431947/500
Aperture value: 4312/1707
F number: 12/5
Pixel Y dimension: 720
Date time original: Thu Jan 30 14:51:23 -0800 2014
Y resolution: 72
Resolution unit: 2
GPS longitude ref: W
Brightness value: 2648/1003
Exposure program: 2
Focal length in 35mm film: 32
YCbCr positioning: 1
Date time digitized: Thu Jan 30 14:51:23 -0800 2014
Focal length: 77/20
GPS longitude: 791173/500
Scene capture type: 0
Make: Apple
Software: 6.1.5
GPS altitude ref:
The box office albeit from the Cineplex Odeon styling. The “Big Screen, Big Sound, Big Difference” slogan was retained on the other side (not pictured) when Cineplex acquired several FP theatres.
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