Comments from smyjmy1

Showing 2 comments

smyjmy1 commented about Carolina Beach Cinema 4 on Jun 2, 2012 at 8:08 am

This theater still looks like this with the exception of another letter in “cinema” missing. Still for lease and decaying.

smyjmy1 commented about AMC Classic Havelock 6 on Jun 2, 2012 at 7:57 am

Are you sure it was originally a 4 screen? I passed by this theater last night. It is identical to the old cinema 6 we had here in Wilmington, nc that was built by S&E as a 6 screen in 1983. As you walk in, the auditoriums face 9 oclock and 3 oclock. Three on the left and three on the right. We had a 4 screen S&E built in 1984 that was set up different. As you walk in that place the auditoriums were facing 12 oclock. I suppose there were diffent designs but the fact that this theater is identical to our cinema 6 makes me sceptical that it wasnt always a 6.