Comments from StevenWells

Showing 2 comments

StevenWells commented about National Theatre on Mar 26, 2010 at 10:50 pm

I’ll sign on to BradE41’s observation that the Plitt #1 was one of the most comfortable theaters in L.A. (especially important for those 50-hour Filmex marathons). And I was so dismayed – and shocked – when I learned here that the National had passed into history. So many titles flood my memory…saw THE EXORCIST there; saw CHINATOWN there; slept through STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE there!

I can’t believe the “shelf life” for a major venue in L.A. is now only about 35 or so years. Stop the madness!

StevenWells commented about Vista Theater Hollywood on Mar 26, 2010 at 10:31 pm

I see this thread has been inactive for some months, but on the off chance Carl_K (who asked, “Does anyone know the time period when it was a gay porno house?”) still ventures by, my recollection is ‘76-'79 (give-take). A couple posters have mentioned the Vista’s gay porno phase, but I guess Carl_K and I are the only ones who’ll admit to attending it during that period. The men’s room had pics cut from the pages of male nude magazines decoupaged on the wall (I’ll never forget the one at eye level just to the right of the urinal). Haven’t been there since the early '90’s (“Silverlake Life”), prior to the restoration; it was still pretty woebegone.