Looking at these photo’s took me back to when I was a schoolboy and missed school in order to sit all day at the then State Theatre viewing ‘Phantom of the Opera'starring Claude Raines and Susanna Foster.Oh such golden days when theatres were really theatres.Later I went on to become a Page Boy at the Capitol Theatre and then a Film Projectionist at the Australia Cinema.I now run my own film production house. We have made a documentary on 'The Palaces of Dreams’ which includes the Capitol,Regent and State Theatres and can bepurchased by contacting thomas.di@bigpond..com
What a day in 1946 when it was my privalidge to become a Page Boy at this great theatre. The days of great films such as ‘State Fair’ and many others.The days of flowers in the foyer and Organists that perfumed the theatre with their grand music.Iam now a Filmmaker and have completed a documentary on the Capitol,including footage of its construction.Available by contacting:Wintergarden Films,<thomas.di@bigpond.com
Looking at these photo’s took me back to when I was a schoolboy and missed school in order to sit all day at the then State Theatre viewing ‘Phantom of the Opera'starring Claude Raines and Susanna Foster.Oh such golden days when theatres were really theatres.Later I went on to become a Page Boy at the Capitol Theatre and then a Film Projectionist at the Australia Cinema.I now run my own film production house. We have made a documentary on 'The Palaces of Dreams’ which includes the Capitol,Regent and State Theatres and can bepurchased by contacting thomas.di@bigpond..com
What a day in 1946 when it was my privalidge to become a Page Boy at this great theatre. The days of great films such as ‘State Fair’ and many others.The days of flowers in the foyer and Organists that perfumed the theatre with their grand music.Iam now a Filmmaker and have completed a documentary on the Capitol,including footage of its construction.Available by contacting:Wintergarden Films,<thomas.di@bigpond.com