Comments from tdciago

Showing 3 comments

tdciago commented about Westchester Theatre on Aug 13, 2021 at 6:17 am

If you look closely at the photo if 2319 above, you’ll see it’s a one-story building. Google 2255 and you’ll see that it’s a taller building, the only similarity being that rounded section.

tdciago commented about Westchester Theatre on Jul 13, 2021 at 1:45 pm

Thanks! Still trying to figure it out, as a number of people recall the building as a theater. By 1940, the tax photo shows one or two storefronts at ground level, definitely not a theater.

tdciago commented about Westchester Theatre on Jul 12, 2021 at 6:27 pm

I believe the commenter from 2007 may be talking about the building at 2255 Westchester Ave. We are having a discussion about this building in a Bronx Facebook group.

Apparently there were relatives born around 1905 who recalled that the building was a nickelodeon. I can’t find any mention of it as a theater in the early 20th century.

Online real estate info shows that it was built in 1930,which can’t be correct. I’m wondering if the numbers were transposed and it was 1903.

Photos of 2255 here, under Westchester Square Plumbing Supply: