Queen's Hall Cinema

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Tiny terry

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Queen's Hall Cinema

Queen's Hall Cinema

Chester-le-Street, GB

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Uploaded on: April 21, 2018

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Views: 928


Queen's Hall Cinema

Front of House 1980’s before the devastating fire. This started externally in a skip adjacent to the building which heated the fabric of the building so intensely that it literally went ‘up in smoke’

The next night, when the ‘eyes down brigade’ turned up to play bingo, all they saw was a smoldering shell - and a cavalcade of buses to take them to the nearby Gateshead Odeon which, by this time, was on bingo also. The latter fine theatre has now itself also gone - not as a result of any fire but merely the lack of foresight to preserve one of the North East’s finest theatres.

At least the bingo players got something for nothing after the destruction of the Queens, albeit only a return bus ride……..

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