I have found multiple articles from newspapers in Elkhart reporting that the theatre opened in January of 1906.
I have also found a 1909 edition of the Elkhart Truth that has multiple ads about the opening/reopening of the Crystal on December 27th. Its said they would have vaudeville and “exclusive moving pictures and latest song successes.”
It seems Crystal temporarily closed at some point.
It is also mentioned to be under the same management as the Bucklen Theatre.
Hey Joe! My name is Holly and I’m college student researching a bunch of theatres for a project. I’ve noticed you know a lot about the theatres I’m supposed to be researching. Could you contact me? I have a couple questions. My email is hwesterfiel@gmail.com.
I have found multiple articles from newspapers in Elkhart reporting that the theatre opened in January of 1906. I have also found a 1909 edition of the Elkhart Truth that has multiple ads about the opening/reopening of the Crystal on December 27th. Its said they would have vaudeville and “exclusive moving pictures and latest song successes.” It seems Crystal temporarily closed at some point. It is also mentioned to be under the same management as the Bucklen Theatre.
Hey Joe! My name is Holly and I’m college student researching a bunch of theatres for a project. I’ve noticed you know a lot about the theatres I’m supposed to be researching. Could you contact me? I have a couple questions. My email is hwesterfiel@gmail.com.
Website is back up! Seems like its showing moves again.