Comments from tocarol

Showing 2 comments

tocarol commented about Alhambra Theatre on Jan 2, 2006 at 10:52 pm

Thanks so much for your quick response Roger. Actually, the Joe Russo I am trying to locate may very well have been the owner and not the manager of the Night Club. I was told about it being located in the same building with the bowling lanes and theater, so maybe I thought it was the same management or owners. Did the same family own the Alhambra Theater.

I am a geneologist who is actually trying to find this Russo family for a client who is related and is trying to trace his family tree. Would you have any idea how I could find them, or who else I might contact that might know? There are so many Russos in the Cleveland area and I am in Pittsburgh and my client is in NYC, so we are trying to find a local connection. Any advice or guidance you could give is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for responding – even this bit of information is fascinating because he’d heard about the nightclub for years.

tocarol commented about Alhambra Theatre on Jan 2, 2006 at 12:10 am

Was there a manager by the name of Joe Russo or Rousso at the Alhambra? And wasn’t there a night club attached to this theater?