Comments from TomWilkins

Showing 7 comments

TomWilkins commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Jan 18, 2008 at 11:26 am

it is the part directly above the stage where pipes with scenery, drops, drapery or lights can be raised or flowen up into to disapear from the stage.

TomWilkins commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Jan 18, 2008 at 10:59 am

Yes I was there and spoke the night of the land marking. I brought up the theatre feature of the Fly space at the back and that was included. That should help maintain more of the exterior of the building and perhaps make it more difficult to convert to a retail space.

TomWilkins commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Jan 13, 2008 at 8:33 pm

Bigtime, I’ll be at the meeting. I sent in a photo of the back of the theater from the outside, the fly space(sticks up from the rest of the building), in the hopes that it would be “landmarked” and more of the building would be left. That part of the theatre is where the curtains would rise up into for a live show. I think that means that there was at one time live shows there such as vaudville. Doess anyone know if there are any curtains left there?

TomWilkins commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Nov 13, 2007 at 12:44 pm

I don’t remember but he was behind the lawyer and next to the architect.

TomWilkins commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Nov 13, 2007 at 1:04 am

I went to the Landmarks Commission meeting this evening. They seem like they will be granting the landmark status but they decided to continue the item for a future meeting to work out which of the criteria the building qualifies under. The owner had his lawyer there to speak and he said they hired a consultant of their own who said to many changes have been to the building to consider it for status. I think everyone on the commission dismissed that though. In the course of the meeting we learned that the owner plans on extending the second story over the entire building and because of that added square footage has to add 20 parking spots below the building. They also wanted to uliminate the lobby and move the front doors to the property line. This idea will not be allowed if the landmark is granted and it specifies that the lobby is part of the significant features. The sad side show was the owners of the shoe repair in the building that are getting the boot. The building owner threatened the fella who runs the shop saying that he’ll never beat him and that he would win. The negative feeling this theatre shutting down and changing to a jeans store might keep the store from finding success. I hope there is enough theatre left to interest a willing theatre chain operator and perhaps another investor to buy the building back and bring back the movies!

TomWilkins commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Nov 11, 2007 at 11:49 pm

Is that the Landmarks Commision meeting? Is anyone going?

TomWilkins commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Oct 30, 2007 at 2:33 pm

I to am very sad that The NuWilshire Theatre will soon not be screening films anymore. I recently spoke with the S.M. Landmarks public liaison about this matter and she said that it would be on the agenda for this Nov. 12 meeting. She indicated to me that even if it gets designated a landmark the owners could still change the function of the building. To stop it I think it would require a zoning change. Does anyone know more about this idea?

Landmarks Commission
Santa Monica City Hall, City Council Chambers, Room 213
1685 Main Street, Santa Monica