Comments from TonyJohnson

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TonyJohnson commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on May 2, 2011 at 9:41 pm

Where Choo-Choo was elegant and sensual, Susie was much more aggressively sexual —– unbuttoning my shirt so she could press her huge breasts against my bare chest, growling some very explicit suggestions into my ear…and licking her palm every so often so that her hand would…glide. Every once in a while, she’d say “damn, we oughta make a movie together”, but I didn’t take her seriously —– I just figured that was her way of flattering me, stroking my ego (no pun intended!).

As time went by, I got to know both Choo-Choo and Susie a little bit outside the club. I remember taking Choo-Choo to a Thai place. She showed up dressed in an exotic green robe and a matching turban! The garment flowed around her, hinting at the spectacular figure underneath but leaving quite a lot to the imagination. She was incredibly good company, very intelligent, able to talk about many different things. After dessert, she handed me a little flyer across the table and said she was about to leave the Harmony and open her own little burlesque place called The Blue Angel. She explained that the name was taken from the title of the movie that made a star of her favorite actress, countrywoman Marlene Dietrich. A few weeks later, I went to opening night, and was warmly greeted by Choo-Choo, who asked me to start calling her by her real name, Ute. She sat with me for a while and explained how she was trying to “bring real burlesque back to New York”. I dropped by the club once or twice a week for the next few years —– those were really great times!

An unexpected benefit to Choo-Choo, er, Ute owning her own place was that I no longer had to decide between her and Susie when I went to the Harmony! I loved the contrast between the two clubs —– I would start by going to the Blue Angel for some good striptease and end —– happily — at the Harmony.

At some point over the years, I guess Susie and I made Dominique mad somehow — once when I called the Harmony directly, Dominique told me Susie wasn’t at the club that night. I didn’t think she was telling the truth, so I went anyway, and sure enough Susie was there. She was pretty steamed when I told her what had happened. Susie gave me her number, and I would often call her to see when her shift was. And sometimes I would call her just to talk.

Susie began to introduce me to some of her friends at the club. One of my favorites was Staxx, a blonde with a body straight out of a magazine. Although I was generally not a fan of implants, I ended up making an exception in this case! Staxx was even more aggressive than Susie, if that’s possible, and more than once I found myself doing a wall dance with Staxx —– these standing dances were rapidly becoming my favorite. Once, she reached down between us and guided me to her opening — I could feel the heat and moisture radiating from her. But these were the early days of AIDS, and I had to stop her because I was just too afraid to go through with it…

Susie sometimes asked her friends to “stand guard” when she was in the mood to do a particularly…frisky dance for me. One night, she and I were joined by a pretty young brunette called Cheyenne. I knew Cheyenne pretty well, and had been invited to a party at her house one night to meet some of her “non-dancer friends”. For a while, both girls were cuddled on my lap, kissing me and each other, hands wandering everywhere. Needless to say, I was in heaven! Then Susie got that look in her eye, and asked Cheyenne to stand up and shield us from view…

A few days later, I went back to the Harmony and was quickly joined by a very upset Cheyenne.

TonyJohnson commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Apr 27, 2011 at 8:07 pm

When I finally returned, two things had changed: it was now called the Harmony Theater, and it was no longer up on Broadway. But some things hadn’t changed: Choo-Choo was still there. But one night, she wasn’t there, so I ended up sampling several different women until I found one who took me over the edge. It was of course highly pleasurable, but without the kissing it wasn’t quite the same. Still, I found myself at the Harmony 2-3 times a week, whenever my work schedule permitted. Sometimes I focused on Choo-Choo; other times I played the field. I loved every minute of it.

Time passed. I went to school in California for a couple of years, and although San Francisco’s Market Street Cinema and Mitchell Bros. O'Farrell Theater were no match for the Harmony, they did get me through. I had the great good fortune to land a summer job in New York City, and the first thing I did was find myself a very cheap summer sublet. I wanted not only to live in the city, but also to have as much money to spend at the Harmony as possible!

It goes without saying that that was the best summer of my life. I still spent a lot of time with my darling Choo-Choo, but I also discovered another very well-endowed brunette. She called herself Susie, and I had no idea how much she would change my life…

TonyJohnson commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Apr 25, 2011 at 10:05 pm

I just stumbled upon this discussion thread and have spent the last two hours taking a wonderful trip down Memory Lane!

Does anyone remember Screw magazine, Al Goldstein’s rag? That’s where I heard about the Melody Theater. I visited for the first time on my 18th birthday, making the trip from my parents' house in Jersey. I remember the feeling of nervous excitement as I entered for the first time. I stood at the back and took it all in —– the layout, the music, and of course the women. Sure, I had looked through my share of Playboy magazines, but nothing could have prepared me for the sight of all those beautiful women of every size, shape, and color, wearing bras and panties….or less.

After standing in the back for a while, getting my bearings and gathering my courage, I finally took a seat. A few minutes later, I was approached by a stunning brunette who asked if I wanted company. A dollar a minute was a lot of money to an 18-year-old kid back then, but half an hour flew by before I knew it. I was really enjoying her company, but my money was running low. But before I left, my new friend introduced herself as Choo-Choo, and told me to come back and see her sometime, adding that we would both find the experience more pleasurable if I wore shorts instead of jeans. Well, I made the 90-minute drive home that night thinking that I had found heaven on earth.

The next Saturday night, armed with much more money thanks to the second summer job I found, I went back. I couldn’t leave the house wearing gym shorts, so I wore them under my jeans! When I got to the theater and paid my entrance fee, I went to the bathroom, took off the jeans, and put them in my gym bag. Now I was ready! It only took a few minutes to find my beautiful Choo-Choo. I was thrilled that she actually remembered me, and before I knew it, she had straddled me, buried her face in my neck, and proceeded to work her magic on me. After a few minutes, I was more aroused than I had ever been in my life, and she started murmuring in (and tonguing) my ear. I didn’t understand the words —– she wasn’t speaking English —– but some things are universal. She was clearly enjoying her work, and I was very much enjoying her work as well.

And then the moment that changed my life: she stuck her tongue down my throat, reached down with her hand to massage me, and I exploded as never before. There are no words to describe how good that felt! Afterwards, she laid her head against my chest, I wrapped my arms around her, and we stayed like that for many minutes. I learned that the language she had been speaking was German, and that she had recently come to New York from her native land. Finally, my wallet said it was time for me to go.

After that, of course, I was hooked. I spent every Saturday night for the rest of the summer locked in Choo-Choo’s arms, being French-kissed until I couldn’t take any more. I had to work damn hard to earn enough money to pay for Choo-Choo on top of my other expenses, but it was worth it. Too soon, it was time for me to go to an out-of-state school, and I didn’t visit New York at all —– not even once —– for an entire year…

What great memories!