Comments from TowneCinema

Showing 5 comments

TowneCinema commented about Towne Cinema on Oct 20, 2014 at 6:16 pm

Here is a newstory

TowneCinema commented about Towne Cinema on Oct 20, 2014 at 6:00 pm

For those that come across this historic theater, if you want to help us rebuild, here is our official donation page: . We appreciate any and all donations, big or small…..

TowneCinema commented about Costs of new small town theater? on Sep 17, 2012 at 6:49 pm

As an owner of a one screen theater, I can advise you NOT to go with one screen. If you’ve done your homework you already know that most of your new movies have to be held at least two weeks to as much as four weeks (Warner Bros is bad for the 4 week movie). If you choose a poor movie you’re stuck with it for that length of time. I strongly urge you to reduce the seats in your proposed one screen to 75 and increase your screens to three. Yes, it will cost more, but you will have more flexibility with your movies. You HAVE to make your customers want to choose your little theater over your competition, and if you don’t have the movie they want to see when it comes out, then you’ve lost that customer for that week, which in turn, loses you money. If you go with 3 or more screens, I suggest you have at least one auditorium with more seats (100 or more) for those big hit movies that come once in a blue moon. I would also suggest putting a small arcade in. With a town of your size, I would also look into being a concert location for your local bands.

TowneCinema commented about Towne Cinema on Sep 17, 2012 at 5:41 pm

JHJHJH, we don’t have plans to rebuild in the same spot. There is not enough room for the planned three screens, there was constant flooding from a natural spring in the concrete flooring and around some of the seats, and it wasn’t handicap accessible. Right now we are having a very hard time raising the funds to rebuild…

TowneCinema commented about Towne Cinema on Mar 18, 2012 at 10:47 am

JHJHJH, Towne Cinema suffered damage from the tornado; our 3 doors were ripped assunder and wind tore down one curtain, some sound fold and blew debris all over the seats in the auditorium. Rain and melted snow seeped down from the above office through our ceiling and caused many drop ceiling tiles to get wet and heavy and fall down throughout the whole building. You can view pictures on our facebook page (just search for Towne Cinema). We are currently looking to reopen and build in another location.