Comments from tregtyler

Showing 2 comments

tregtyler commented about 35MM film wanted on May 20, 2017 at 9:05 am

I forgot to comment that I do have many technical items for an older theater with a 35mm projected. The theater was build in the 40’s and I have lenses, audio equipment, editing equipment, reels, a brand new never used osram lamp and more. If interested…email me at


tregtyler commented about 35MM film wanted on May 20, 2017 at 9:02 am


I ran a movie theater back in early 2000’s and purchased an excellent 35mm print of Jerry Lewis' The Errand Boy. It was my back up film just in case the movie I had ordered / rented did not arrive by showtime. I am willing to sell it to help someone else out if it would help. Again, this print is in pristine condition and a great comedy just in case you need to bring levity to your community. If interested, reach out at

Best of luck to all.