Comments from tsaffle

Showing 2 comments

tsaffle commented about Twin City Drive-In on Apr 21, 2014 at 10:37 pm

I actually was able to locate the marquee through a gentleman named Duke Roorda (I think) and had arranged to recover it from him. In-time I lost his contact info, but if anyone knows of his whereabouts let me know!!!!

tsaffle commented about Twin City Drive-In on Apr 21, 2014 at 10:35 pm

My family owned this great Drive-in during the 70’s. On the weekends we would stay the night at a motel and work the different shifts available. My Mom, sisters, and grandmother made and sold food. My brother and I would walk the grounds with walk talkies looking for people sneaking in. Dad was stuck with the paperwork. I used to collect all of the expired movie posters and still have most of them which I love!

Great memories of a tradition lost.