Comments from VHart

Showing 2 comments

VHart commented about Jewel Theatre on Jul 3, 2012 at 3:48 pm

For more information about the Jewel Theatre or Jewel Foundation you can go to the website at!!! We are having a Blues Festivals to help raise funds for the theatre you can find all the details on the website!!!

VHart commented about Jewel Theatre on May 8, 2012 at 1:21 pm

The Jewel Theatre is now owned by Arthur Hurst. The Jewel Foundation is helping to remodel the building and turn it back into a working movie and play theatre. For more information or help please email me at !!! We are excited about the progess already being made, we are currently rasing and accepting money for a new roof!!! If anyone has any type of pictures of the building from 1930s to 1970s PLEASE contact me!!! Thank you all!!!