Comments from wacopat

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wacopat commented about Orpheum Theater on Apr 15, 2012 at 9:57 pm

I worked there in 64 and 65. JC Mitchell had an office upstairs and one in the back of the theater also. He spent a lot of time there. Back then the Mitchel Brothers also ran the Imperial on Waco Drive and built a new Drive in where Richland Mall is now. I worked for the construction company building the drive in and at night at the Orpheum. Worked with Debbie, Sharon, Reen, Phil, Niel and Jimmy. Jimmy and I once met some girls who were at a future nurses convention or something and we invited them all to the Imperial. We took a roll of tickets and handed them out and as I recall we had about 50 of them show up, we appropriated some free pop corn and joined the ladies for an almost private showing, since there wasn’t a paying customer in the place! Lots of fun memories! I went off to school, to VN and when I returned I would drive by from time to time and then one day it was gone… not just closed but gone! Plenty of good memories, thanks for lettine me share them.