Comments from Wepayyoursalary

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Wepayyoursalary commented about AMC and Regal ban outside food from theaters on Dec 25, 2009 at 3:50 pm

Bottom line theater owners: if you moved upmarket and disallowed food in your theaters, the experience would be far more pleasant for all. Instead, you have trained people to treat it like a MacDonalds – all the popping diacetyl smell and all, the ads, the grease, the filth.
Simple answer: Run a theater. You cant bring popcorn to the symphony, or a hot dog dripping oil all over the seats to the real theater. You want to run a macdonalds, then do that. Instead, you shut down real movie theaters, then turn the thing into a mess and make your only profits on the greaseburgers.
I select which movies I go to now very carefully – just the special effects spectaculars really. THe rest I wait a few weeks to come out on DVD. And like IU say, I’m looking forward to getting a big screen at home. You suck, youre going extinct, except that you will have a loyal following of fast-food-loving teenagers.

Wepayyoursalary commented about AMC and Regal ban outside food from theaters on Dec 25, 2009 at 3:44 pm

“You know who’s responsible for the high prices? YOU. You fat, greasy, slobs who cant seem to find your cake holes with the food you buy without spilling it all over the ground."
If people are treated with respect, they act with respect, by and large. If people are overcharged, herded in lines like cattle, and treated like a source of cash, nothing more, theyre going to treat your place like garbage – after all, they paid for your cleaning fees. I dont mess up, because I do what most complainers dont – I watch the movie and dont eat. But I sure as hell understand why people treat your place like a greasy spoon cafe. Because thats the image youre going for.

Wepayyoursalary commented about AMC and Regal ban outside food from theaters on Dec 25, 2009 at 3:40 pm

“No one has ever successfully sued a theatre for not allowing outside food and won. Theatres can allow what they please inside as long as they are consistent and do not discriminate. They are NOT public spaces.”

The spaces will get even more private soon enough. All those costs you moan about? Guess what – theyre pretty much the same whether you attract thousands of customers or drive away all but a few diehards. Ever wonder why the theaters are half empty except on date night? Yup! people dont see movies anymore except as a place to go on a cheap date. Keep acting like a real theater in terms of pricing, and you might just find that people rediscover a real theater experience – with real actors on a stage. Why pay $25 for a mass market job when you can see a play for the same?

Wepayyoursalary commented about AMC and Regal ban outside food from theaters on Dec 25, 2009 at 3:36 pm

“Ugh, it pains me to read some of these responses. Movie Theatres are a for profit business, the profit comes almost entirely from concession sales.”

There are more than enough cafes around, we dont go to your workplace to eat, we go to watch movies. You have 2 choices, charge for the item that people are going there for (the MOVIE) or go the airline way – charge airport fees, landing fees, bag fees, restroom fees, food fees, etc. with a frisking line up front. Do you enjoy flying anymore with this new pricing model?
The simple solution: jack up your ticket prices even more. Be honest. It may pain you to read the responses from people who pay your bills, but if you ignore them, youre going to lose even more customers.
Apart from that, your model doesnt work with me – I never use the “concession” stand (no-one ever conceded me anything at this), so using your warped logic, youre letting me in free.
There is a reason we hate to see multiplexes driving independents out of business. And soon, I’ll have a wall-sized screen and a blu-ray at home. Enjoy running your fast food joint while you can. Maybe then everyone – you, the distributers, the movie corps and the actors – will charge more reasonably. Too late.