Comments from Marc golden

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Marc golden
Marc golden commented about Loews Cheri on Feb 2, 2017 at 7:04 pm

I remember Ugolini. must’ve been 70. Remember Joe Sasso too. he was a younger guy. Bill Glazer was a district boss and he hired this tool . last name Kelly as manager. His Fiance was sleeping with half the Staff. this was back in 74.

Marc golden
Marc golden commented about Abbey Cinema on Dec 30, 2010 at 8:16 pm

I worked at the Loews Abbey Cinema from around 1972-1974. I remember almost everyone . Bill Glazer was the G manager.He got shot there for refusing to give a robber $. Chris Davitt was the Projectionist, Maria Darcangelo, Diane Gardner,Donna Tessari, Donna Frost,Al Pignat,Carolann Mahoney,Jim Palladino,John Rafferty, Mark Chalpin.
we had lots of fun there.around the corner was this club The Box. Aerosmith played there.I cant for the Life for me remember the biggest movie that played there, except some R Rated Cheerleading one.