I am the Yorkville/Kleindeutschland Historian. Have built a large exhibit now in the Congressional Record in Washington. Am writing a book on the history of 86th Street and have been all your wonderful postings. However, none of your photobucket photos from your 2005 postings are found on photobucket.
Would love seeing your photos so I can be accurate in my descriptions.
I am born in Yorkville and my parents came over in the 30s from Germany in the 30s. I would love to be able to visualize the wonderful stories they told me when they were among the pioneers in building Kleindeutschland.
I would be most grateful if you could help me see those photos no longer available.
I am the Yorkville/Kleindeutschland Historian. Have built a large exhibit now in the Congressional Record in Washington. Am writing a book on the history of 86th Street and have been all your wonderful postings. However, none of your photobucket photos from your 2005 postings are found on photobucket.
Would love seeing your photos so I can be accurate in my descriptions.
I am born in Yorkville and my parents came over in the 30s from Germany in the 30s. I would love to be able to visualize the wonderful stories they told me when they were among the pioneers in building Kleindeutschland.
I would be most grateful if you could help me see those photos no longer available.