Me at the Montwood 3

Uploaded By

Tiny Jim Miller

Featured Theater

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Taken on: May 29, 2014

Uploaded on: May 29, 2014

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Date time original: Wed May 28 19:03:19 -0700 2014

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Me at the Montwood 3

This was taken in September, 1984 when I took over as manager of the Montwood 3. I was there until February, 1993. During my tenure the Montwood 3 was remodeled, then in 1986-87 we added the four new screens, and it became the Montwood 7. This was my favorite theatre in all my decades in the business.

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Comments (1)

Alphawoolf on April 11, 2016 at 4:27 pm

And right across from the Montwood 3 was a video arcade where I first played Dragon’s Lair. You’d go buy candy bars and such at the grocery store (which had Mrs. Pacman out front), then buy your tickets, then discover that all the candy you had bought had melted onto your skin… good times!

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